I have quarterly readings with Charmie for about 3 years. Charmie blessed me with a reading that led me through a very challenging time. At the time,
I didn't believe her. Not a word she said.
I was up for a big promotion - I had worked extremely hard to get it. My boss was suddenly exited and new leadership began running the department. We all felt like our heads were on the chopping block. I was a nervous wreck. As a single-mother, I really needed my paycheck. Charmie told me that I would have a new job before any transitions took place at my company and it would be with people I had previously worked with. She also told me that I would work at Facebook. I would make a lot of money and basically I would be set for the rest of my life. She assured me that I would have money coming from my present job - about 42K. I though this was insane and had no idea what she was talking about. I didn't know anyone at FB. In fact, I asked her for a refund! 4 months later, my boss called me and asked me to interview with him at a company called Instagram. He hired me and another guy from one of his previous lives. Before I could give my notice, I was laid off and given a nice severance package that included 3.5 weeks of vacation and 3 months salary - my take home after taxes was $40K. I went to work at Instagram taking a small pay cut with a pretty good options package and I was credit card free with money in the bank.
In 2012, when Facebook bought us, I cried. I couldn't believe it. I now own a house, and my son is going to a great private high school that will give him lots of opportunities for his future!
I didn't know how to apologize to Charmie. I scheduled a reading with her and had my friend pay for it. I got on the phone and told her everything. She was so excited for me. I sent her double her fee and $250 dollars as a bonus. She donated the bonus to woman's shelter! ~ SoccerMom2006USA